Whether you’re looking for housing help (you want to own a home, need home repairs, looking for an affordable rental, etc.), need help rebuilding after the 2022 flood disaster, searching for opportunities to volunteer in Appalachia, or you want to support our work in Appalachian East Kentucky, you’re right where you need to be. Based on your need or interest, please make a selection below.
We help low-income families in Breathitt, Knott, Leslie, and Perry counties in Eastern Kentucky achieve their dreams of owning a new home. HDA homes are affordable, high quality, long-lasting, and energy efficient. We do not give away houses, and it’s rare that we sell an already-built home. Rather, families must first qualify for our program, and then, we work with them through Housing Counseling to prepare them for homeownership.
Inside or outside, our carpenters can make the improvements low-income homeowners need. Whether you need two or more major repairs, critical repairs (like a new roof, new flooring, new HVAC, bathroom replacement, etc.), or accessibility repairs (wheelchair ramps, porches, bathroom upgrades, etc.), HDA is here to make the repairs qualifying homeowners need at a price they can afford! Let’s make your home stand the test of time.
HDA offers affordable rental homes for low-income families and 1-BR and 2-BR apartments for qualifying very low and low-income applicants. We also have Single Occupancy Apartments for single homeless individuals. Please be aware that we have a limited number of rental units in or near Hazard, KY and very low turnover. Contact us for more information on availability and/or for a Waiting List application.
We offer group volunteering opportunities to folks from all over the country throughout the year! In 2025, we are challenging groups to take on our Ultimate House Raising Challenge, which is a way for our volunteers to make the most impact. We welcome volunteers ages 18 & up in College Mission Trips/Alternative Breaks, church/religious groups, corporate retreats, senior adult volunteer groups, etc. We also have a Local Volunteer Program for groups from churches, high schools, and businesses in the counties we serve.
A low-cost home energy assessment can find leaks and other problems that cause your home to use more energy, making your heating and cooling costs much higher than they should be. This service is available to everyone regardless of income!
Often simply called “Redbud,” our Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) uses a combination of fair loans and individualized financial education to help you build a pathway to homeownership, break free of debt, and many other dreams!
Our groundbreaking program provides paid, on-the-job training in home construction for men & women in substance use recovery. Trained by our experienced staff carpenters, our trainees not only learn the construction trade, but they also earn college certificates, improve their resumes, and build affordable homes for the workforce of Appalachian Eastern Kentucky.
Since the program's start in 2019, in partnership with local substance use recovery programs, an impressive 73% of our trainees have gone on to complete college programs and/or have secured what most substance use therapists say is the key to helping someone stay in recovery: a job!
Every East Kentucky family deserves a home they can afford. Help us transform lives through affordable housing!
Want to be a part of HDA? Sign up for our Email List to get news and exclusive updates, info on volunteer opportunities, timely reminders about events and fundraising activities, details on how to donate to HDA and receive our newsletter, and more!
© 2021 – Housing Development Alliance | Designed by The Holler
If you would like to volunteer with the Housing Development Alliance (HDA), in either our traditional Volunteer Program or for the Ultimate House Raising Challenge, please fill in your details below.
If you wish to sign up as an individual, please close this form and contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 606-436-0497 or email janie@gener8co.com
Shortly after the form is received, our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you. If, for some reason, you haven’t heard from us within a week of submitting the form, please call us at 606-436-0497.
Please Note: This is just an inquiry form. There are more forms you must fill out, sign, and send to us before the process is completed. So, let’s get started!
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Please fill out this contact form and let us know what kind of help you need. A member of our staff will contact you ASAP.
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